
International economics relati

International economics relations. Selected theoretical issues and policy implications. Podręcznik zatytułowany International economic relations: Selected theoretical issues and ..

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Father Władysław Szuniewicz, M

Father Władysław Szuniewicz, MD and his time. Mission to China 1931-1949. Father Władysłwa Szuniewicz, MD (1892-1963), Polish priest from the Congregation of the Mi..

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Christians in Socio-Political

Christians in Socio-Political Life An Applied Analysis of the Theological Anthropology of Cardinal. Christians in Socio-Political Life. An Applied Analysis of the Theological Anthropology of..

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Paphos Agora Project. Interdis

Paphos Agora Project. Interdisciplinary Research of the Jagiellonian University in Nea Paphos UNESCO World Heritage Site (. This publication, which is now being bestowed on its readers, opens a new publishing serie..

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Piaszczyste drogi karpatczyków

Piaszczyste drogi karpatczyków. Fotografie kpt. Karola Angermana z lat. Album jest prezentacją w większości niepublikowanych wcześniej zdjęć kpt. Karola Angermana..

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Exercitationum Peripateticarum

Exercitationum Peripateticarum libri duo. ... la logica, che lo strumento dell intera filosofia e conviene si estenda fin l dove que..

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Forest Beekeeper and the Treas

Forest Beekeeper and the Treasure of Pushcha wer. ang.. In the depths of pushcha, an ancient woodland, Ignat the beekeeper tends bees in beehives ..

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Intra-Industry Trade and Compe

Intra-Industry Trade and Competitiveness of the New EU Member States. Theory and Practice. The issues discussed in the monograph are characterised by practical and scientific signif..

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Merapi et autres nouvelles

Merapi et autres nouvelles. Son dernier livre Merapi contient seize nouvelles qui nous plongent au cour de l actualité..

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Krakowskie studia małopolskie

Krakowskie studia małopolskie 2020, nr 3 (27). Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie 2020, nr 3 (27)..

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The Neo-Weberian State. Toward

The Neo-Weberian State. Towards a new paradigm of public management. The Neo-Weberian State.Towards a new paradigm of public management..

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Space Management. Interdiscipl

Space Management. Interdisciplinary Approach. Evidence from Poland. The issues raised in this study concern the contemporary specifics of the Polish territory..

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Paul of Pyskowices Commentary

Paul of Pyskowices Commentary on Aristotles Categories. Part 1. Paul of Pyskowice (t ca. 1470) - a Cracovian scholar of the first half of the 15* century ..

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Ausgewahlte Probleme zur Gesch

Ausgewahlte Probleme zur Geschichte der. Spis treści: 1. P. Franaszek, Vorwort, s. 7-9;2. P. Franaszek, Geschichtliche Rachmenbedin..

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Approaching Nature through Met

Approaching Nature through Metaphors in Thoreau’s Writings. Od spokojnych brzegów stawu Walden po dziewicze lasy i góry Maine, Henry David Thoreau w s..

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Poland-Japan. Contemporary Art

Poland-Japan. Contemporary Art and Artistic Relations. Poland - Japan. Contemporary Art and Artistic Relations has been prepared in connection wi..

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On Man, Theology, and the Univ

On Man, Theology, and the University. Selected Issues in Moral Theology. Seria: Prace Wydziału Teologii 215. On Man, Theology, and the University. Selected Issues in Moral Theology...

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Puppets: Theatre, Film, Politi

Puppets: Theatre, Film, Politics. The book accompanying the exhibition of the same title is a pioneering publication of ten ..

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Richard Swineshead s Theory of

Richard Swineshead s Theory of Motion. Richard Swineshead s short treatises (opuscula) on motion provide us with a direct insight..

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The Victorian Royal Nursery, 1

The Victorian Royal Nursery, 1840-1865. Creation, Organisation, Staff, Financing. The Victorian Royal Nursery attempts to shed more light on the nursery for the children of..

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Upiór rodu Canterville ów. Ang

Upiór rodu Canterville ów. Angielski z Oscarem Wilde em. Bardzo często ekranizowane opowiadanie grozy z dużą dozą humoru. Otóż duch, odwieków zamie..

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How to be a successful organiz

How to be a successful organization. Becoming part of the civic administration and social service providers, non-governmental o..

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Concordats between the Holy Se

Concordats between the Holy See and Poland. Seria: Prace Wydziału Nauk Prawnych. Concordats between the Holy See and Poland..

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Being at Home in a Place. The

Being at Home in a Place. The Philosophy of Localness. The monograph contains reflections divided into seven parts. The first part Towards the Ph..

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Übersetzen im Unterricht Deuts

Übersetzen im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Sprachwechselbasierte Aktivitäten im Deutschunterricht an polnischen Mittelstufenschlen. Dr. Patricia Hartwich studierte Theaterwissenschaft/ Kulturelle Kommu ni kation (Humboldt-..

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Contemporary Problems in Teach

Contemporary Problems in Teachers Work in Poland. Książka przedstawia charakterystykę funkcjonowania współczesnego nauczyciela w trzech kraj..

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Dimensions of Regional and Glo

Dimensions of Regional and Global Security. (red.) Marcin Górnikiewicz, Izabela Mucha - Dimensions of Regional and Global Security..

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The participation of women in

The participation of women in the media and in politics an international dimension. The increasing influence of women in the 21st century in social, political and economic li..

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The Artistic traditions of non

The Artistic traditions of non - european cultures vol 4. Silk Road is one of the most important trade routes connecting the Far East with the West...

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Książki > Książki obcojęzyczne

Wyszukiwana fraza to Książki > Książki obcojęzyczne. Zobacz oferty na naszej stronie z kilkuset sklepów internetowych oraz z aukcji allegro. Porównaj ceny, sprawdź opinie i koszty wysyłki.

Książki > Książki obcojęzyczne - Sklepy online oraz aukcje interntowe. Sprawdź cenę i opinie.