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Następne Die Nibelungen (Alle 3 Teile)
Opis :

This is a collection of my narrative expressionistic poems which has been written in 2017, and it is a first volume of my annual poetry series "Tessellation"Narrative expressionism is writing style where the literary piece has been written in narrative-lyric system in which the written te..


This is a collection of my narrative expressionistic poems which has been written in 2017,  and it is a first volume of my annual poetry series


Opis: This is a collection of my narrative expressionistic poems which has been written in 2017, and it is a first volume of my annual poetry series "Tessellation"Narrative expressionism is writing style where the literary piece has been written in narrative-lyric system in which the written text has appeared with the narrative superficial structure and deep poetic one. In narrative expressionism the narrative text composed of poetic elements and there is no time, place, or characters but there are poetic, lyric, imagery elements which have been narrated. In this hybrid system, the glory of both; prose and poetry have transfigured completely, so it reaches the infinite target of prose poetry writing.In tessellated writing multiple texts have appeared in different theme and story but they are one in their deep idea and letters. In my "Tessellation" there are multiple poems in one poem so there are primary title and secondary titles. The adjective primary titles of the triple pieces is the depiction of the poems and not the themes, that is to say it is a descriptive title of the titles where the poems behave as a mirror in a mosaic system. TESSELLATION 1 jest dostępny w sprzedaży w kategorii księgarnia ( E-booki ) [ E-Beletrystyka ] w cenie 12 zł i 99 gr (dwanaście złoych i dziewięćdziesiąt dziewięć groszy), Marka tego produktu jest nieznana.. Produkt jest nowy, a oferta jest dostępna na sprzedaż po kliknięciu w kup teraz lub w przycisk więcej informacji. Numer oferty : 2473779. Następna oferta to Die Nibelungen (Alle 3 Teile). Tą ofertę wyświetlono jedenaście razy.
Numer dostawcy44084
Ostatnia zmiana1675140793250
Numer produktu2473779
Oferta sklepuZobacz ofertę sklepu
AutorAnwar Jaber
Rok wydania2018
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